Can I turn in late work?

Unexcused Late work is not accepted

I cannot access my grades on the website. What am I doing wrong?

You must be using a current browser. You will need to use Internet Explorer 4.0 or later or Netscape Communicator 4.5 You cannot use Netscape Gold! Check your version by clicking on Help and then About.

How can I get my child's username and password?

Usernames and passwords are only available to a student and their legal guardians. You can email me for your child's username and password and I will send it to you as long as I can verify the sender of the email is a parent or guardian. You may also call the school and leave a message on my voice mail and I will return your call with the requested information. Each student receives the information at the beginning of the year.

How can I earn extra credit?

I do not give out a lot of extra credit assignements. Occassionally I will give extra credit opportunities, however, the best way to improve your grade is to come in to get extra help.